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St Thomas More Catholic School

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Catholic Life and Mission

Catholic Ethos

St Thomas More Catholic School is committed to providing the best possible education for all its pupils.  Our Mission Statement ‘to lead those in our care to grow in their faith and to benefit from an enriching education’ demonstrates our subscription to these values.

We believe that the true purpose of our work is to create, in all our community, an ethos in which everyone is inspired by the example of Christ. The children in our care are encouraged to fully engage in their relationship with God, helping them grow as individuals who fully understand their vocation in life. One cannot reach one’s full human potential without exploring the issues of faith that lie at the heart of one’s being. 

The Prayer of St Thomas More  

Thank you, O God, for another day.
Help me to spend it wisely and to spend it well.
Grant that everything that I do today may be done as well as I can do it.
Grant that everyone I meet may be happier for the meeting.
Keep me all through today conscientious in my work; truthful in my speaking; loyal to my friends; faithful to those who love me through Jesus Christ my Lord.

Catholic Life of the School

 The Catholic ethos of the school permeates all aspects of school life and is underpinned by our Liturgical Calendar, including prayer, Liturgies and charitable work.  Each year group has a Head of Year, involved in the pastoral care and well-being of each student, who is in regular contact with parents. Each student is assigned to a form group with a tutor. These smaller groups help students to form friendships and develop a firm support network of peers.

“The Church is bound, as a mother, to give to these children of hers an education by which their whole life can be imbued with the spirit of Christ and, at the same time, do all she can to promote, for all peoples, the complete perfection of the human person, the good of earthly society and the building of a world that is more human.” Gravissimum Educationis 3