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St Thomas More Catholic School

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Extracurricular Clubs

Clubs and after school activities can play a vital role in the all-round development of pupils by providing fantastic support and opportunities to continue learning after normal lessons end.

Additionally, after school clubs and activities give pupils the chance to mix with the wider school community and play a more inclusive role at St Thomas More.  

The school offers a wide range of free, extended school activities, including: home learning clubs, sports clubs, language clubs, science, maths, dance, drama, music and crafts. Clubs take place before school, at lunchtimes and after school.  The current club timetable overview for 2023-24 is here.  This is periodically updated.

Colleges and universities are always interested in the clubs students have attended and so is the school when pupils apply for positions of leadership in Year 11.   Please have a look below to see what is on offer at the school.  

Youth Club

Youth Club runs every THURSDAY at 15:10-16:15 for Key Stage 3 and 16:10-17:00 for Year 10 and 11s (Rugby/Football/Badminton/Table Tennis).  This is last year's club timetable as an example of what is on offer.  The 2023/24 timetable will be uploaded shortly.

Pupils can collect letters from pupil reception, the PE dept, or can see Mr Nwokeji for more details, information and letters.

The school offers a wide range of clubs during the 2 hour session and there should be something so suit everyone.

Maths Surgery at lunchtime

A  Maths surgery for pupils (particularly in examination year groups) is now taking place every lunchtime, as per the timetable below.  

Maths Lunch Club Timetable 2024-25

Clubs Timetables

Attached are the details of various clubs  taking place until the end of the term from before school, at lunchtimes and after school.    

Extra curricular clubs timetable 2024-2025

PE Clubs 2024