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St Thomas More Catholic School

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Curriculum Intent

A good knowledge and understanding of mathematics is essential to everyday life.  It is critical to a range of fields, from science and engineering to finance and economics.  A sound grasp of mathematics is essential for financial literacy, for most forms of employment and for functioning independently in society.  We aim to develop these skills through our curriculum, we also strive for students to develop the disciplinary knowledge of a mathematician; the ability to reason mathematically, to follow a line of enquiry, to solve problems strategically and to provide justification and proof.


Mr J Alibanwie

Mr E Asante

Mr D Asare

Ms R Bolister

Mr K Calibasi

Mr O Collard

Dr J Enu

Ms M Plewa

Mrs S Powell

Mr P Powell - Head of Department

Mrs M Sowa

Mr C Ssemakula - Second in Maths

Mr T Stockwood

Mrs N Vicknathasan

Mrs A Neimane - Teaching Assistant 

For further information please contact us at: admin@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk

Curriculum Map

Maths Curriculum Map 2023-24


We have a Gifted and Talented group that meets weekly where students can explore different areas of maths as well as complete maths puzzles, conundrums and logical games. We enter the more able students into the UK National Maths Challenge Competition.

We have a Saturday School where pupils are invited to maths booster lessons (led by our Maths teachers) for Years 7 to 9 and GCSE/A Level revision classes or/as well as extended periods after school.


Curriculum Overview

We aim for pupils to develop fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics.  For this reason pupils will encounter the same topics repeatedly during their journey through Key Stage 3 and 4. 

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Ratio, Proportion and rates of change
  • Geometry and Measures
  • Probability
  • Statistics

The complexity of the topics increases each time the topic is revisited, developing conceptual understanding and promoting the ability of pupils to recall learning.  Topics are interleaved within the academic year as well as between years so that pupils revisit topics regularly and develop their ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

Revision Support

  • “Murderous Maths” by Kjartan Poskitt. There is also an accompanying website (www.murderousmaths.co.uk) which includes information about the books and extra bits as well as games, hints, tricks and puzzles.
  • Tarquin publishes a mathematical magazine called ‘Circa’ (www.circamaths.co.uk) which is filled with a richly entertaining mathematical mix of explanation, history and games.
  • http://www.mangahigh.com 
  • http://www.mathsisfun.com 
  • http://www.emaths.co.uk 

Key Tips for Success

  • Spend a significant amount of time on homework and on revising for every end of unit test.
  • Keep up with the work covered and ask for help if unsure.
  • Ensure that all work is presented clearly.

How can a parent help their child succeed?

  • Ensure that your child is using their exercise book to help them complete their homework and revise.
  • Be willing to answer questions to help your child revise topics thoroughly.


Curriculum Overview

For GCSE we follow the Edexcel specification.  This is divided into tiers of entry.


Topic Area







Ratio, Proportion and rates of change


Geometry and Measures


Statistics and Probability







Ratio, Proportion and rates of change


Geometry and Measures


Statistics and Probability


It is important to challenge pupils and expose them to a wider variety of Mathematics.  We encourage those pupils who are excelling in Maths to study GCSE Statistics, GCSE Further Maths and the Free Standing Maths Qualification in Additional Maths.

Enrichment Opportunities and Costs

No extra costs – except that we expect students to own a scientific calculator. Students will have a GCSE textbook to use and will be given a Revision Guide in Year 11.

Maths help is available in the afternoon with our period 6 extra lessons starting in year 10 and on Saturday morning. Many other interventions are available during your 3 years depending on your levels.

Selected students will take part in the Mathematics Challenge in February.

Future Directions

Which A level courses can be taken having studied Maths.

Depending on your results you will be able to study for an A Level in Maths, Further Maths. For Physics and the Sciences is also desirable to have achieved a good result in your Maths GCSE. In general, your GCSE performance is usually a good indicator of how well you’ll do in A Level or other advanced studies.

Which university courses require Maths GCSE

The majority of university courses look for at least a grade 4 in maths. Moreover specific degrees will be looking at your GCSE grades, for example a management degree at the University of Leeds specifies that you must have at least 5 in Maths. All engineering courses, medicine, mathematics and all science subjects need high grades in maths.  

Which careers could Maths lead to?

Just about everything! People with Maths degrees and other qualifications can go into: accounting, medicine, engineering, forensic pathology, finance, business, consultancy, teaching, IT, games development, scientific research, programming, civil service, design, construction and astrophysics to name a few…


Mathematics A Level

Curriculum Overview

AS Mathematics - Pure and Applied Modules (exam at end of year)

A Level Mathematics –Pure and Applied Modules (linear exam for the 2 year course)

What type of student succeeds at Maths A Level?

Maths is a demanding A Level. It requires resilience and a willingness to work through problems independently. A love of numbers and a sense of enjoyment from completing difficult problems is also necessary.

Subject requirements at GCSE

A minimum of a Grade 7 at Maths GCSE is required in order to study Maths at A Level. In addition, all students must sit an entrance exam based on holiday homework. The course requires a strong understanding of Grade A and A* work right from the outset.

Complementary subjects

Maths is well paired with any of the science or social science subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, and Business.


Students receive homework every single day. Maths is best learned through constant practice and repetition and students get plenty of opportunity to do so. Exam packs are produced containing every single past paper question so students will never run out of practice questions.

Future Directions

Which university courses require Maths A Level?

Maths degrees require Maths A Level and often Further Maths. Engineering, Economics, and Computer Science degrees often ask for Maths too.

Which university courses look favourably on Maths A Level?

Maths A Level is favourable for any degree which requires logical thought.

What are the entry requirements to study Maths at university?

Maths entry requirements are high. Anywhere between BBB and A*A*A.

Some universities require additional exams (STEP/MAT)

Which careers could Maths A Level lead to?

Engineering, Finance, Accounting, Teaching Maths, Computer Engineering, Researching. 

Further Mathematics A Level

Curriculum Overview

AS Level Further Mathematics - (exam at the end of the year)

A Level Further Mathematics – Pure and Applied Modules (linear exam for the 2 year course)

What type of student succeeds at Further Maths A Level?

Further Maths is a demanding A Level. Students must have a love of the subject and enjoy working with both concrete and abstract problems.

Subject requirements at GCSE

A minimum of a Grade 8 at Maths GCSE is required in order to study Further Maths at A Level. Most students have an A*. In addition, all students must sit an entrance exam based on holiday homework.

Complementary subjects

Further Maths has to be paired with Mathematics A Level. It goes well with any of the sciences, particularly Physics.


Students receive homework every single day. Maths is best learned through constant practice and repetition and students get plenty of opportunity to do so. Exam packs are produced containing every single past paper question so students will never run out of practice questions.

Future Directions

Which university courses require Further Maths A Level?

Maths degrees at the very best universities often require Further Maths.

Which university courses look favourably on Further Maths A Level?

It is advantageous to have Further Maths when applying for Maths related courses at Russell Group universities. This includes Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science.

What are the entry requirements to study Maths at university?

Maths entry requirements are high. Anywhere between BBB and A*A*A.

Some universities require additional exams (STEP/MAT)

Which careers could Further Maths A Level lead to?

Engineering, Finance, Accounting, Teaching Maths, Computer Engineering, Research.

I’m glad I chose Further Maths at A Level. It fits really well with Physics, which I have also chosen to study. I want to study Physics or Engineering at a Russell Group university so Further Maths should give me a real advantage!  Student