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St Thomas More Catholic School

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Why is PE important?

Physical Education will enable your child to learn both the practical and theoretical skills required to take part in sport. Your child will have an understanding of the reasons why we take part in sport and the benefits associated with sporting activity. Your child will be given the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting activities and have access to extra-curricular clubs run both at the school and with local elite clubs. Physical education is an essential part of school life and your child should be a keen and active member of the class. Your child will benefit greatly from taking part in at least 5 hours per week of physical activity which can be provided by clubs before and after school.

Department Intent

We want to fully equip our students with the skills they need to meet the challenges of the future, whatever they may be. We want to use physical education as a means of preparing pupils for life. Our Physical Education Curriculum not only covers a breadth of sports but we also aim to develop confidence, a growth mindset, positivity, strong leadership skills, social skills and perseverance. 

By the end of the St Thomas More School experience our pupils will have a great understanding of health and wellbeing and an enjoyment for physical activity with the aim that they will develop positive habits that they continue to utilise for life.


"An aspirational department which will: 

  • Inspire love of sport
  • Foster fitness for life
  • Create scholars and stars"

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum intends to inspire a love of sport and foster fitness for life. Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is broad and aims to engage ALL young people, with a real focus on transferable skills and developing a real love of sport. We recognise that not every student shares an intrinsic motivation for sport and have developed our style of teaching from skill-based to a concept-based curriculum. We aim to use Physical Education as a vehicle for overtly teaching personal development, with the goal of developing young people with a fantastic mindset and love of physical education. 

ME in PE, is our new approach to Physical Education. We aim to teach our pupils to be successful with their HEAD (Thinking ME), HEART (Social ME) and HAND (Physical ME). Each lesson will have a Learning Objective that involves the head, heart and hand. 

For example, teaching the physical skill of 'dribble in basketball', the thinking concept would be 'black box thinking' and social concept 'self-control'. This new approach aims to add value to the traditional PE lessons that are taught so well. We are aware and proud of the fact that Physical Education is a means of teaching so many life skills and developing well-rounded, healthy and happy students.

Physical Capacity PHYSICAL ME
Range and Quality of skills SKILLFUL ME 
Coaching, leadership (Eval/Anal)  SOCIAL ME 
Decision Making/ problem solving     THINKING ME  
Mental Capacity        PERSONAL ME 
Healthy Lifestyles      HEALTHY ME 




Mr N Ameh - I/C of Boys' PE

Mrs L Carter - I/C of Girls' PE

Miss E Clifford

Mr M Lusardi

Mrs J Wood - Acting Head of Department

Mr M Nwokeji

Mr A Turner

Ms C Mouis

Mr V Trattou

Mr M Omojudi - Teaching Assistant 

Curriculum Map

PE Curriculum Map


Pupils in core PE will be assessed using our ME in PE model

Pupils will be given a bronze, silver or gold medal in each of the 6 assessment traits at the three assessment points each year.

Extra Curricular

Our extra-curricular programme and club links intend to continue to create stars. We are a school that has a reputation for excellence through our club programme and engagement in Haringey Sports Competitions, which we strive to continue to maintain. We run football, volleyball, netball, basketball, rugby and athletics clubs to a very high standard.


Key Skills Required

The KS3 course aims to give pupils the opportunity to:

  • Develop Core Skills
  • Apply Decisions
  • Develop physical and mental capacity
  • Evaluate and improve
  • Make informed choices about health and active lifestyles

Topics Covered 

All pupils in KS3 cover:

  • Net games
  • Invasion
  • Athletics
  • Strike and field
  • Fitness
  • Aesthetic sports

In Years 7 and 8, pupils cover six lessons on each sport and two sports per term.  

In Year 9, pupils cover 12 lessons on each sport and still one from each category above, over six terms.

All pupils in Year 7 will cover dance and OAA in their curriculum.

Term 1:  

  • Boys - Net games
  • Girls - Invasion games

Term 2:

  • Boys - Invasion games
  • Girls - Net games

Term 3:

  • Fitness
  • Tommy More Mile

Term 4:

  • Boys - strike and field/ aesthetic sports
  • Girls - strike and field/aesthetic sports

Term 5:

  • Athletics for all

Term 6: 

  • Boys - strike and field/ aesthetic sports
  • Girls - strike and field / aesthetic sports

Assessment Details

Pupils will be assessed on both their practical ability and technical knowledge through peer assessment and teacher assessment using both video and live analysis.  Pupils will also be tested on their fitness at the beginning and throughout the year. Pupils will be summatively assessed with an end of term test.

Revision Support


Key Tips for Success

  • The PE department offers pupils the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Our hope is for all pupils to find at least one activity in which they can participate and find success in outside lesson time so that they go on to live physically active, fulfilling and healthy lives.
  • Pupils should have full PE kit for all lessons and spare sport clothing for the extensive extra-curricular programme.

How can a parent help their child succeed in this course?

  • Support and encourage extra-curricular participation by either attending or giving permission to train and play in competitions 
  • Ensure that your child has full equipment for their timetabled lessons as well as extra-curricular lessons.


Our KS4 curriculum is focused around managing stress and fostering fitness for life. In Year 11 pupils are given the chance to choose the sports that they complete each term. They enjoy mixed sports throughout the 6 week term and at the end play a tournament. Through a wellness questionnaire, pupils identified that social sports would help to manage stress. We also use this as a strategy to make links to social clubs outside of school with the aim of fostering fitness for life.


Academic PE

Our rigor in the classroom and passion for our subject intends to create scholars who go on to flourish within a range of sports-related careers.

GCSE Physical Education

Year 10

In year 10, pupils will be completing a series of projects that will bring the OCR topics to life and immerse them in historical context. Pupils will be given the opportunity to be exerts and coaches in their field: analysing movement to replicate programmes such as Hawkeye used in professional sport. Pupils will also be taking on in-school projects by attending clubs, analysing and coaching teams to support teachers and develop their own knowledge. They will deliver group sessions to teams to develop their cardiovascular, muscular and respiratory systems.

In Term 3-4 pupils will start their coursework with the aim of developing their own performance in their main sport. They will test, plan and train to improve in their sport, with the over-riding aim of developing their skill and personal-autonomy, whilst also training competitively for their NEA practical assessment.

In term 5 pupils will be venturing into engagement patterns in sport and factors that affect participation through primary research in school. They will be completing this topic with a 5-minute presentation on their findings and strategies to increase participation in sports, in school and in Haringey. This will be developing confidence and critical thinking within the subject.

In term 6 pupils will be immersing themselves into the wonderful World of Wimbledon. Pupils will be reflecting on the development of a competition that is a British favourite and learning about how commercialisation and media have been pivotal to the growth and development of the competition. During this term, pupils will be offered the opportunity to go to Wimbledon, in order to develop episodic memory and opportunity through Cultural Capital.  

Over Summer, pupils will be completing a health and wellbeing project, in which they will be writing a 4-week fitness programme to complete in Summer for their sport and a diet plan to benefit their performance.  

Sports Leadership Qualification:

In Year 10 our pupils are offered the opportunity of gaining the SLQ. This course aims to develop personal development through leadership skills.

Year 11

In year 11 pupils will be starting the year by critically analysing current trends and data released by Sport England over the Summer. They will be specifically looking at data from Haringey, London and the UK. They will be hypothesising and drawing conclusions from quantitative data. This topic will give us scope to make comparisons to other memorable times in sporting history such as the London 2012 Olympic Games, which saw a large increase in participation in sport in the UK. Our term 2 Olympic project, is a fascinating project that will take us back in time. Pupils will research pivotal points in history that are tied to ethics, drugs and violence in sport. This will give pupils the chance to learn about Black History through the eyes of Jesse Owens, who won 4 gold medals in the 1936 Berlin games, much to the dismay of Adolf Hitler. Pupils will also be revisiting commercialisation and media, but through a different lens; learning about the impact that it had on the Olympics. In term 3, pupils will be starting a new project on the All Blacks Rugby team, studying the famous psychology and mental preparation that this team uses to prepare for competition. Pupils will be drawing on comparisons from other cultures, such as American Football, to give them a well-balanced view on strategies employed in different games and from people of different culture and backgrounds.  

In term 4 pupils will revisit health and wellbeing, by reflecting on COVID and how it impacted their own health and wellbeing. Pupils will be following this up with writing a fitness plan for their self in hindsight and giving them nutritional tips that would benefit their overall health during lockdown. Pupils will also be drawing on their knowledge of nutrition to include individual tips that would support them in their training from home towards their specific sport.  

Course Layout:

BTEC National Extended Certificate

We run two BTEC courses:

Level 2 and 3 National Extended Certificate.

Pupils in Year 11 will do Level 1/2 Tech Award in Sport, Activity and Fitness.




BTEC Level 1/Level 2 

Tech Award in Sport, 

Activity and Fitness  

This is a one or two year full-time course, worth one GCSE at grade A*- G. After this, you can progress onto further courses, training or work. 

Level 1/2 Tech Award in Sport, Activity and Fitness  

This course is a 2 year course that runs across Year 10-11. This fantastic new course is for learners who want to acquire sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through vocational contexts by exploring the different types and providers of sport and physical activity and the equipment and technology available for participation.


Learners will explore the different types and provision of sport and physical activity available for different types of participants, barriers to participation and ways to overcome these barriers to increase participation in sport and physical activity. They will also research equipment and technological advances in a chosen sport or physical activity and how to prepare our bodies for participation in sport and physical activity.


Learners will investigate the components of fitness and their effect on performance, take part in practical sport, explore the role of officials in sport and learn to apply methods and sporting drills to improve other participants’ sporting performance.


Learners will be introduced to and develop an understanding of the importance of fitness and the different types of fitness for performance in sport and physical activity.  They will also develop an understanding of the body and fitness testing.


A Level

Course Outline

At St Thomas More School, we are excited to be introducing OCR A level PE to our sixth form from September 2023. This course delves into physiology, psychology, cultural factors that affect sport and more. 

In the physiology paper - students gain a deeper understanding of key systems in the body and how they react to changes in diet and exercise.  They also study the effects of force and motion on the body and how they can be used to our advantage.

In the psychology paper - Students study the models and theories that affect learning and performance in physical activities, how different methods of training and feedback work and why their effectiveness differs from person to person. They also explore the psychological factors that affect group dynamics and the effects of leadership and stress.

In the sociology paper - This component focuses on the social and cultural factors that have shaped sports over time, and their influences on physical activity. Students consider the impact of hosting a global sporting event such as the Olympic Games, and the influence of modern technology on both the performer and the spectator of contemporary sport.

In the practical element of the course - Students are assessed in the role of either performer or coach in one practical activity. They are required to demonstrate effective performance, the use of tactics or techniques and the ability to observe the rules and conventions under applied conditions.

Students are also assessed in the Evaluation and Analysis of Performance for Improvement (EAPI). They observe a live or recorded performance by a peer and provide an oral analysis and critical evaluation of their peer’s performance.

Weighting of course outline:

2 hour paper 30%  – Physiology; 1 hour paper 20% – Skill Acquisition/Sports Psychology; 2 hour paper 30% – Socio-cultural Aspects of Sport


NEA 2 – 15% ASSESSMENT – Recording video analysis, critically analysing a peer's performance.

BTEC Sport

BTEC LEVEL 1/2 Tech Award in Sport, Activity and Fitness (Extended Certificate)

At St Thomas More, we offer a BTEC Level 1/2  Tech award to year 12 pupils as a one-year course. This course is for learners who want to acquire theoretical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by exploring areas such as the body systems, psychology, nutrition, technology and leadership.

Course Outline

Component 1: Understand the body and supporting technology for sport and activity (coursework)

Component 2: The principles of training, nutrition and psychology for sport and activity (exam)

Component 3: Applying the principles of sport and activity (coursework)

BTEC SPORT LEVEL 3 (Extended Certificate)

This is a fantastic two-year course that requires pupils to have a broad range of knowledge covering many disciplines, including Anatomy & Physiology, Health and Fitness, and contemporary issues. Students must be able to work independently and as part of the group and be able to meet demanding deadlines to submit the coursework.

Our Year 12 and 13 pupils have the chance of completing their BTEC Sport Level 3 in conjunction with the ‘Tottenham Hotspur 'Sixth Form Scheme’.  This is a great opportunity to train with Spurs Coaches on Monday and Tuesday 4.10-6pm and play fixtures on Wednesday.

Course outline:

Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology (exam)

Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being (exam)

Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry (coursework)

Unit 5: Application of Fitness Testing (coursework)

100% P-D* in BTEC Level 3 Sport.