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St Thomas More Catholic School

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The Dining Hall is a cafeteria system with hot food, sandwiches and snacks available as follows:

 Breakfast   08.00 - 08.40
 Break Time  11.10 - 11.30
 Lunch   13.30 - 14.10

No cash is taken at the point of sale and payment is made using a pin number system.  Each student is allocated an account and funds are entered with cash using the Revaluation Units located in the Dining Hall and one in the Glendale Hallway or online using Parent Pay.  Please contact the Finance Office to activate your account.

Please click on the link to be taken to the Parent Pay log-in page.

Payments can also be made at paypoint outlets - please contact the Finance Office to order a card.

Please note, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we will not be using the Biometric Finger Recognition to register students on the school catering system. New students will be given a pin number on their first day of school. 

Canteen prices (Jan 2024)

Example Menus