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Homework & Studying


Homework timetables for 2023-24 for Years 7-11 are available below:

Homework timetables 2023-24

Year 11 Homework timetable 2024-25

Year 10 Homework timetable 2024-25

Year 9 Homework timetable 2024-2025

Year 8 Homework timetable 2024-2025

Year 7 Homework timetables 2024-2025

Rewarding all pupils for their hard work and dedication is a valuable aspect of their education and, as a school, we encourage all our staff to award epraise to pupils who show great effort and commitment to their studies. Pupils have continued to use their epraise points to buy stationery from the school shop in order to maintain their high standards of presentation and are making helpful suggestions as to what other items they would like to purchase. 

We have added a Word of the Day epraise reward category which we encourage teachers to use when issuing epraise for efficient use of the Word of the Day in their work. Staff have already issued almost 3,000 epraise points this term and pupils are excited to see whether they have made it on the end of year Rewards Trip to Thorpe Park.

Staff are equally as excited to see if they have been the most consistent member of staff issuing epraise and if they will be rewarded with a £25 M&S voucher at the end of the term.

Sam Learning is an online education service we use at school to support personalised learning through a Self-Assessment Method (SAM) of interactive revision and examination practice. Content on the site is written by examiners and teachers. There are many subjects to choose from and it helps children learn quickly from their mistakes.

Now in its third year at St Thomas More and with more activities across more subjects and a wider range of exam boards than any other online service, SAM Learning is the most effective online homework and exam-preparation service for secondary schools.

Studies have shown that overall, students achieve an average of two GCSE grades higher than expected with as little as 10 hours’ use of SAM Learning during the course of a year.

To get to grips with the online tool, here are some tips to help your child make the most of their SAM Learning account.

You’ll need to enter your Centre ID (N22ST), User ID and Password in the login area.
Your child’s username and password is made up of their initials and birthday in six-digit format. For example, if they were born on 27 September 2003 and your name is Robert Jones it would be: 270903RJ

If you don’t get 100% on your first attempt, you should try again. As your score improves, your teacher can see that you are making progress. You also get more points for your second or third attempt.

Satchel: One allows parents, carers and students to see current and past homework set by teachers and when it is due to be handed in. Students can also confirm for themselves when homework is completed and submit homework online when requested by the teacher.


Presentation of Work