Year 9 Guided Options
Year 9 Guided Option Choices
Year 9 students are at the start of the process of selecting their GCSE and BTEC options for Year 10. Making curriculum choices in Year 9 is a very important process here at St Thomas More Catholic School. It is an opportunity for you and your child to take increased control of the education choice on offer. This is the most important stage in your child’s education so far and we understand it can be an anxious time. Making the right decisions and choices is of vital importance.
All year 9 students will receive a KS4 Curriculum booklet to guide you and your child through the subjects and courses available, and to help you make an informed choice regarding the optional subjects your child may wish to study.
Good reasons for choosing a subject
- You are good at the subject
- You think you will enjoy the course
- It fits your career ideas and plans
- It goes well with your other choices
- It helps to give you plenty of choice post 16
- You think you might want to continue studying it post 16
- Your research shows that it will interest you and motivate you to learn
Bad reasons for choosing a subject
- Your friends have chosen it
- You think it will be easy
- Someone else thinks it is a good idea
- You like the teacher you have now
- You did not have time to research your options properly
Guided Choices Booklet 2024
Our guided choices booklet can be found here.
Deadline for Options form Submission:
The deadline for submissions will be added nearer the time for making these choices in 2024.
Download Options form: currently being updated
If you have any questions or queries that are not answered in either this page or options booklet, please do not hesitate to contact us at