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Teacher Training

Teacher Training with the Cardinal Hume Academy Trust

The Cardinal Hume Academy Trust provides the perfect platform to enable you to develop into an outstanding classroom Practitioner. As a trust, we achieve excellent teacher training success through our access to outstanding classroom teaching, exceptional mentoring to nurture your development and the excellent classroom behaviour of our students. Our aim is to consistently provide you with what you need to develop as a trainee teacher.

About the Cardinal Hume Academy Trust

The trust is a collection of three schools (with support of a fourth) led by Executive Head Teacher, Martin Tissot who has implemented policies that prioritise excellent behaviour for learning and pupil progress. This approach has led to significant progress in Ofsted ratings for all our schools since they joined the Trust and all are now regarded as outstanding or good. They are excellent environments in which to teach.

St Georges Catholic SchoolMaida Vale - Lead Alliance School (visit website)
St Thomas More Catholic SchoolWood Green 
Bishop Douglass Catholic SchoolFinchley (visit website)
Salvatorian CollegeHarrow. supported by the Trust (visit website)

Our Training Programmes

 We are highly experienced at providing school-based training and have a successful track record of guiding trainee teachers through a range of programmes: School Based Initial Teacher Training (previously known as Schools Direct), PGCE and Teach First. We have achieved this by working in close partnership with Canterbury Christchurch College, Roehampton University, Middlesex University, King’s College London and St Mary’s University to meet your training needs.

Our subject mentors are experienced teachers who are enthusiastic about your development and know what is required for you to succeed. We have designed a thorough programme of teacher training for you that is delivered by experienced staff, enabling you to learn new skills and forge professional relationships with experienced teachers within our schools.

Whilst you are fully supported by your University and will have training days at your university provider, as a school we provide you with weekly CPD (continued professional development) which cover a range of topics centred around the teacher training standards.


To train to teach with us we require the following qualifications:

  • A grade C or 4 in GCSE English and Mathematics
  • UK honours degree (2.2 or above) or an equivalent overseas qualification that can be verified by The National Recognition Centre for the UK (NARIC).
  • Professional skills test certificates in literacy and numeracy

How to apply

Please contact Mr Morgan via the email address: f.morgan@stgeorgesrc.org. We are currently looking for applicants in the following subject areas to commence in September, 2024-25:

  • Science
  • Maths
  • English
  • MFL
  • Humanities
  • Other subjects are dependent on school needs

For the School Based Initial Teacher Training, you should apply through the DfE Get Into Teaching website (link here).. When you have created your account, you should search for St George's RC School in the training provider section. There you will find details of the courses available and salaries. Once you have made your application, we may invite you to  a 30 minute online interview.

Department for Education application

 All applications are via the DfE website and our processed centrally at our sister School, St George's Catholic School.

Future Employment Opportunities

We regularly offer employment within our schools to standout trainees that have developed with us.

We take great pride in the community of experienced teachers we have developed within our trust who began their teaching career by training with us and we aim to continue this approach.

For a detailed breakdown of the School Based Initial Teacher Training course provided by our partner, Canterbury Christ Church University, please click the link: 

 Canterbury Christ Church school-centred ITT                                                                                       


School Direct Testimonials

Mr J Neophytou, Head of Business & Economics

I qualified as a Maths teacher in 2021 at St Thomas More School.   I spent an engrossing year on the School Direct route, which was perfect for getting hands-on experience with a full-time job and a salary.  St Thomas More has a structured and dedicated training programme with experienced and strong mentors and exceptional teacher role models.  

Since qualifying I have stayed at the school and completed the Early Career Framework programme.  As well as continuing to teach Maths, I now also teach Economics and Business.  Opportunities to grow abound at the school.  Continuing your professional development is the minimum expectation. It's a highly professional and supportive culture.  

Before I trained as a teacher 3 years ago, I spent 32 years as an industrial accountant, technology consultant and corporate executive.  I can use my experience every single day, and the school’s leadership values what I bring from my career. 

St Thomas More is a gem of a school, with a superb work ethic, a strong moral foundation, and an engaged leadership team.  I highly recommend it for teacher trainees.  - 2020/2021


Ms C Thomas, Head of Year/Associate Senior Leader

“I completed the School Direct route into teaching at St Thomas More Catholic School and I would highly recommend it! I was supported throughout my training year by my mentors and all members of staff. I got hands-on classroom experience and was an active member of the school community from September to July. Gaining my QTS at St Thomas More prepared me well for my teaching career.” – 2013/2014

Mr L Wood

“It was in September 2013 that I began my teacher training with St Thomas More Catholic School via the School Direct route. I opted for the School Direct training course so that I could gain valuable insights into daily school life, to enhance my overall teacher skills and to maximise my learning experience.

From September, I worked directly in the classroom with the support of knowledgeable and helpful mentors. My lessons were planned thoroughly with designated planning time. I was then able to deliver creative lessons aimed at supporting pupils learning by implementing different learning strategies.  Throughout the year, my mentors and I met to discuss and reflect key developmental points. This was vital in enabling me to understand personal progression throughout the entirety of the course.

My training was diversified in that I was given appropriate time to observe outstanding practice from colleagues in other subject areas. This enhanced my ability to understand and practice pupil management using school specific behavioural policies, to differentiate tasks to engage all learners, and to see the impact of outstanding pedagogy on pupil progress.

Within the school I was further supported on the course by constant feedback from my mentors combined with exponential growth in my professional development. Each week, trainees attended sessions at St Thomas More Catholic School Training Centre. The sessions were aimed at critical areas of school life, ranging from organising time management skills, to understanding safeguarding responsibilities. The school was conscientious to organise and provide sessions to be delivered by a different internal or a guest speaker each week. I found it extremely beneficial as it gave me a great opportunity to discuss issues and ideas with people in the same position as myself, as well as sharing our real-life classroom experiences.

At different points throughout the course, I attended Canterbury University to meet with fellow trainees along with my psychology mentor. Subsequently, I was able to receive and give feedback for specific areas of strength as well as areas that needed improvement. I felt adequately supported by fellow trainees as we were able to share our experiences and to think critically about how we could solve pertinent problems that arise within our classrooms.

My training through the School Direct route was further enhanced during my NQT year. Fortunately, I remained within my placement school. As a result, I had a strong sense of continuity in my professional development as a teacher. Even more satisfyingly, I was able to continue to help and improve students which I had previously worked with the year before. ­ Thus, I was given an opportunity to truly impact student achievement and progress during the course of my development.” – 2013/3014

Specialist Leaders

Within the alliance, we are extremely fortunate to have a number of Specialist Leaders in Education whose experiences, specialisms and leadership have been instrumental in the development of our teacher training programme.

National Leaders in Education

National leaders in education are strong school leaders who have experience of effectively supporting schools in challenging circumstances.  In addition to leading their own schools, NLEs work to increase the leadership capacity of other schools to help raise standards.

Martin Tissot, Executive Headteacher, Cardinal Hume Academies Trust Director, NLE

Martin Tissot is the Executive Headteacher of each school within the alliance, as well as a Cardinal Hume Academies Trust Director, the Trust in which each school is part of.  He specialises in General School Improvements and Multi-Academy Trust Partnerships.

Specialist Leaders in Education

Specialist leaders in education are outstanding middle and senior leaders who have the skills to develop the capacity and capability of other leaders so that they have the skills to lead their own teams and improve practice in their own schools.

Simon Bent, Teaching & Learning & Geography

Simon is a Deputy Headteacher responsible for Teaching, Learning and Assessment.  He is a Specialist Leader in Education with specialism in developing ITT programmes and supporting geography teachers and leaders to build and sustain capacity for improvement.

Daniela Prina, English

Daniela Prina is an experienced Head of English, taking her department to a Progress 8 figure among the highest in the country.  As well as her strong departmental leadership, Daniela has a strong understanding of the English Curricular.

Winnie Greer, Leadership Development & CPD

Winnie Greer is a senior teacher who has overall responsibility for the catholic life within the alliance.  She is a specialist leader in education with a focus on developing capacity in leadership management, coaching and mentoring.  She is currently supporting leaders and managers within all schools in the alliance, providing effective and practical coaching to develop the skills of future leaders in education.  Several of those mentored by Ms Greer have gone on to hold high-level management positions in various schools across the alliance.  As a former Deputy Head, her expert knowledge stems from a wealth of experience, both at middle level and senior level management.

Leading Practitioners

As well as a wide rage of Specialist Leaders, the alliance has a vast number of Lead Practitioners.  Leading practitioners are those teachers whose primary purpose is to model and lead improvements of teaching skills.  Our teachers who take on these roles are not only instrumental in ensuring continued school improvement but act as mentors to those in their departments and beyond.

Ms C Murden, St George’s School - Maths

Ms D Prina, Bishop Douglass School - English

Mr S Bent, Bishop Douglass School - Geography

Ms C Dunne, St Thomas More School - Geography

Mr J McKay, St George's School, Highly-Able,

Mr D Saunders, St Thomas More Catholic School - Sixth Form

Mr S Taylor, St George’s School - PSHE

Ms C Rosen, St Thomas More Catholic School - Drama

Ms I Goursaud, Cross-Alliance - SEN

Mr A Rosen, St Thomas More Catholic School - PE

Ms T Warriner, St Thomas More Catholic School - Sociology

Ms H Barnes, St George’s School - Psychology

Mr C Lynch, St George’s School - Media

Mr C Golle, Bishop Douglass School - Art

Mrs M Confino, St Thomas More Catholic School - Science

Mr S Barnes - St Thomas More Catholic School - Science

Ms C Grounds - St Thomas More Catholic Shool - English & Media

Continuing Professional and Leadership Development

Each school within the alliance offers a wide range of varied CPD opportunities.

Associate Senior Leadership Scheme

The “Associate Senior Leadership” (ASL) scheme is an established developmental programme, facilitating the rapid progression of talented staff of varying levels of experience by placing them as full members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT).  This programme is supported by a one of our SLEs, an expert external mentor, who meets regularly with ASLs.   Each ASL is assigned different areas of responsibility, including one major responsibility for which they must demonstrate impact on pupils and staff.  The mentor meetings help ASLs to reflect on their progress as well as engaging in discussion about the principles of effective leadership.

The scheme is also available to other schools. If your school is interested in participating in the scheme then please contact Simon Bent via teachingschool@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk

Teaching and Learning Circle

The alliance holds regular Teaching and Learning Circles, informal but informed discussions exploring contemporary issues in education.

Past Discussion Topics:

  • “Everyday sexism: Should schools become gender neutral zones?”
  • "Why do we need school when we have Google?"
  • "Is flipped learning the future?"
  • "What constitutes as outstanding A Level teaching"
  • "How can I stretch my higher ability pupils?"

School Support Programme

School to School Support

We believe that school to school support is the best way of bringing about sustainable improvements.  To this end we are committed to offering support in many areas, both teaching and non-teaching, to other schools.   We will always endeavour to keep the cost of any support to the absolute minimum required to cover our own costs.  We have a strong track record of supporting schools in challenging circumstances and have demonstrated that the support we can offer can turn a school around to Ofsted Outstanding.

Types of Support Available

We have expertise at a range of levels, from NLE to support staff.  The support offer is responsive to need and is developed to be bespoke to the requirement. All support is offered at a standard rate  plus travel expenses. 

Examples of support offered:

  • Behaviour for Learning
  • Improving Attendance
  • Middle Leadership Coaching
  • School Reviews
  • Departmental Reviews
  • Data Management
  • Whole School Leadership
  • Transition to Academy Status
  • Leadership Development Programmes
  • Financial Management

Examples of desired outcomes

  • Improved behaviour / discipline
  • Improved attendance
  • Improved headline indicators
  • Improved progress and attainment in specific departments
  • Successful transition to Academy status
  • Improved Ofsted judgements
  • Progress in diminishing the difference between groups
  • Improved quality of teaching and learning
  • Improved development of teachers, including ITT and ECT

If you would like more information about the bespoke school to school support services we offer, please contact us via teachingschool@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk.

More Journal

In his important DfE report, Ben Goldacre drew attention to the need for enhanced “information architecture” if teaching is to become an evidence based profession. We are therefore keen to ensure our alliance becomes a building block in this architecture by championing and leading Research and Development which includes both the evidence of large scale academic studies and our own, smaller scale action research that is tailored to the needs of educators and learners within our school network.

‘MORE: Reflections on Teaching and Learning’ is our bi annual journal of research that has taken place within the alliance.  Each issue contains well-researched and academic articles written by a number of our teachers, focusing on a wide range of pedagogical topics.  Our latest issue can be found below.

MORE Issue 1 Autumn Term 2022